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The developing foot can sometimes be subject to forces that can disrupt the normal bone growth, (called ossification) , so it's important to have pain in the foot checked immediately. 


Similarly, children experience specific sporting type injuries such as Osgood Schlatters, and plenty of the things that everyone can suffer from eg. bruising, trauma, sprains and damage to toe nails, and they, like us, are sometimes reluctant to seek help, often hiding septic and painful toes because of fear of intervention. 


Podiatric experience in treating children with such conditions is crucial in resolving acute pain and preventing future complications. Additionally, safety of practice within this clinic is of our highest priority. 

Children presenting with foot or leg conditions will be given Vascular, Neurological and Musculoskeletal assessments to assist diagnosis, or to ensure recovery will be normal.

 As members of the Society of Podiatrists and Chiropodists, and the HPCP, Podiatrists here will be CRB checked and cleared.

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